Our Committee
Our Next Committee meting will be held on the
Date to be confirmed
@ Clare house nursery@6:00pm. We look forward to seeing you at our AGM.
Defined as:
A group of people chosen or appointed to perform a specified service or function.
Clare House nursery is a registered charity, which means we are registered with a national body, the Charity Commission, and are given a unique number.
In becoming a registered charity, it gives our setting some rights and protection, but it also means that certain expectations and responsibilities are placed on you. Being a registered charity means that you are required to have a constitution.
Charities are governed by a document called a constitution. A constitution sets out what the setting does and how this is achieved.
- Make sure all committee and staff members have a copy
- Make it available to all members of your setting, display it on the notice board, go through it with parents/carers when they register their child
- Review and re-adopt annually at your Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Contact the Charity Commission if you wish to alter your existing constitution or adopt another
Trustees/committee members
When you join the Clare House committee you become a trustee/committee member of the setting. There are some joint responsibilities for all the trustee/committee members, and some specific ones for the setting’s officers (chairperson, treasurer and secretary).
Every member of a voluntary management committee has something important to offer and they all need to be recognised for the work they do.
One thing to remember, even though the organisation is managed by a voluntary committee it must be run like a business and members must view it in this way.
Depending on your constitution, it is recommended that any advertising for new committee members is done beyond the organisation’s members in the wider community to ensure widespread support.
So please: If you are interested and have more questions please see Jayne and she will be more than happy to go through how the committee works in more detail such as : Every ones roles and responsibilities ,how meetings run and how you can help us to continue to deliver a good service.