Pre-School (3-4 year olds)
The Busy Bee Room room caters for children aged three and four. In order to promote a smooth transition into the pre- school room the child will be offered starter sessions. These sessions usually are one hour long, depending on the key person’s opinion on the child’s ability to settle, further starter sessions will be allocated if needed. For the first few starter sessions the key person will accompany the child and support them with the transition into the room. When the child and the family are ready then a start date will be arranged for the child to officially start in the pre- school room. It is important that the child establishes a strong enough relationship with their key person before their parent/ carer or original key person leaves them.
We care for up to 25 children per session and have four keyworkers who aim to build confidence and independence in readiness for starting school. At set activity times we split into smaller groups to look at themes, letters and sounds. We work as a team to open the world up to yourchild and support them in their learning and development.
“Staff have a good understanding of their responsibilities in meeting the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. They provide a safe and secure environment, which is thoroughly risk assessed and monitored daily by vigilant staff”
“Staff plan an exciting range of experiences across the areas of learning, taking children’s interests and next steps into consideration so that they enjoy their learning”
“All children make good progress in their learning and development”
(Ofsted 2014)
We aim to work with you the parents to enhance the development and education of your child in a safe, secure and stimulating environment and ensure equal opportunities for all children and families. We hope your child will have fun and make friends with both children and adults.
The layout of the pre- school room is designed in order to promote as much free access to resources as possible. Children have the free flow of the learning environment and can also access the toilets and outdoors at their own choice. The planning of the daily provision is focused around the child’s interests; therefore the children can develop their skills through interesting activities which are child initiated.
“The environment plays a key role in supporting & extending children’s development & learning.” (EYFS, 2008)
If children are not toilet trained when they come to us we ask for a supply nappies etc and changes of clothes. We do have a supply of clean clothes in case of emergencies but feel that children are more comfortable in their own. When you feel your child is ready for potty training then your child’s key person will support you with this.
As part of the daily routine the key family groups have time together in order to focus on the child’s more individual needs, such as developing their social skills or turn taking and sharing skills etc. The key family time is planned however it is flexible enough to be adapted depending on the children’s level activity. The key family groups sit together during lunch time.
“Every child is competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident & self assured.” (EYFS 2008)
As the children progress through this room and lead up to their final year before school the activities that are planned are more experimental and child led to encourage independence in preparation for going to school.
We make links with your child’s school in order to ensure a smooth transition into school is made.
“Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and interconnected.” (EYFS 2008)
When dressing your child for Nursery please bear in mind that paint and other messy activities form part of our sessions so older play clothes would be best. Small children often leave asking to go to the toilet until the last minute so please try to avoid dungarees and tight fitting trousers as this can cause delays in getting there in time.
Toys from home
If your child wants to bring a toy in from home to show or share with their friends then we have a special box for each key family for the children to store their possessions in. However you must understand that sometimes toys may get lost or broken, we will try our best to ensure that this does not happen.
Often the rooms may have a theme or a topic that may require the child to bring in a toy that links with it, e.g. a teddy bear for a teddy bears picnic. Books and items for the nature or colour table are always welcome.
Bumble Bee’s Garden
Bumblebee’s garden is set up on different levels and has a range of different areas. We have grass, soft play and paved areas & lots of space for them run around in. As with the Daisy room, Bumblebee offer ‘free access’ into the garden for the children to explore. We also have a vegetable patch for the children to dig plant & grow their own herbs and flowers.