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Policies & Procedures

All polices & Procedures have been read and signed by myself Jayne Windsor and our head of Trustees Marie Baker In the month of July 2024


If you would like to see the signed copy please pop into the nursery and this will be made available on request.

1.Child protection – ethos

1.British values and radicalisation

1.Child Protection – allegations against staff whislte blowing

1.Child protection reporting process

1.Child protection – Roles and Responsibilities


Useful Contact Details

Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership

Effective Support for Children and Families in Somerset


Early Help Assessment (EHA) and Supporting Documents


Keeping children safe in education – GOV.UK (–2

Working together to safeguard children – GOV.UK (

Female genital mutilation – GOV.UK (

Prevent duty guidance – GOV.UK (

Somerset children & young people : Health & Wellbeing : New Home (