Supporting children into Nursery and School
Welcome to Somerset videos
Our English as an additional language (EAL) service have been commissioned to create a short video aimed at parents, giving brief information about childcare options in Somerset. This has been recorded in English and 10 other languages: Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. To accompany this there is a pack of information that providers will find useful when trying to gather and share information with parents and carers who may speak little English. I have added below links if you require this in any other language as listed above please ask Jayne.
Click the links to view the videos on YouTube:
Russian – Добро пожаловать в Сомерсет
Portuguese – Bem-vindo a Somerset
Stepping Up To School transition videos
The EAL Advisory Service was commissioned by Somerset County Council to produce a short video which will help and guide parents and families with EAL children through the transition period of moving up to primary school.
This video has been produced in English and is available subtitled with the following languages; Bulgarian, Chinese, Filipino, French, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai and Turkish.
I have added below links if you require this in any other language as listed above please ask Jayne.
Click on the following YouTube links to view the videos:
English – Stepping Up to School